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Check for errors and warnings in the event log.


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Monitoring event-log

Monitoring the event-log is a single command away in the form of check_eventlog. The default command will monitor the application/system/security logs which usually have the generic errors.

L        cli CRITICAL: CRITICAL: 5 message(s) Application Bonjour Service (Task Scheduling Error: ... e DNS-servrarna svarade.)
L        cli  Performance data: 'problem_count'=5;0;0

Time and date

The default time frame is 24 hours. This can be configured via the scan-range which specifies the number of hours from now to look. This might seem a bit off at first but all date and time ranges which reflect past times are "negative" in NSClient++. Thus the default is: check_eventlog scan-range=-24h

If you instead wish to check the past week you would change this to: check_eventlog scan-range=-1w

The other option you can use for defining time is the filter keyword written. This can be used much the same but is used if you wish to use the time in the filter so you still need to specify scan-range. But if you for instance want to get an error if the message is 24 hours old and a warning if it is 1 week you would do:

check_eventlog scan-range=-1w "warn=count gt 0" "critical=written > -24h"

Checking for specific messages

There are many ways to find messages but the optimum solution is to filter on log, source (provider), and id. This is as this combination is guaranteed to be unique and still quick to look for. Another option it so look for messages which will obviously work as well but it will be magnitudes slower in terms of performance.

To find the source and event id you can easily look at the messages property in the event viewer. find event log message

With this information in hand we can easily create a filter for a specific message like so:

check_eventlog "filter=provider = 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP' and id = 903"

Sometimes, rarely, the message is important and then it is best to add that as a last check to the above filter as it will be faster.

check_eventlog "filter=provider = 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP' and id = 903 and message like 'foo'"

Modern windows (channels)

Since version 0.4.2 NSClient++ has had the ability to check all logs on modern windows machines. This works out of the box and you specify the path of the channel you want to look for with the file command. A slight snag here is that the separator for "folders" is - not \ r / as one might expect this is unfortunately a windows flaw most likely related to the fact that event logs can also be read from the file system.

A simple way to find the actual name of an event log channel is to view its properties (right-click the channel and click properties):

channel properties

check_eventlog scan-range=-100w show-all filter=none "file=Microsoft-Windows-AAD/Operational"

Checking for non errors

The default filters are filtering out only warnings, errors and critical messages:

Property Default value
filter level in ('warning', 'error', 'critical')
warning level = 'warning' or problem_count > 0
critical level in ('error', 'critical')

Thus if you want to find a message which is not warnings, errors and critical messages you need to either change or disable the default filter like so:

check_eventlog filter=none


In the previous event-log API it was common for people to use severity to filter out errors. This has never worked as severity was never message severity, it remains however, a common thing. Regardless of version of API and version of NSClient++ the proper way to find errors is to use the level keyword like so:

check_eventlog "filter=level = 'error'"

While we have never been able to find an official list of the meaning of the level this is how NSClient++ interprets the values:

Level Keyword in NSClient++
1 critical
2 error
3 warning, warn
4 informational, info, information, success, auditSuccess
5 debug, verbose
# Specify any number for other values

Thus if you run into a non standard level you can check this like so:

check_eventlog "filter=level = 42"

Using Real-time monitoring

The benefit of real-time monitoring of the event-log is that it is often significantly faster and more resources efficient. The drawback is that it is more complex to setup and normally requires passive monitoring (via NSCA/NRDP)

The basic idea is depict in the following figure.

real-time monitoring

We have a filter which listens to event log entries. These entries are (when they matched) turned into messages and statuses which is then sent onward to various channels. On the other end of these channels are (hopefully) someone who is interested in the message.

In most cases the first channel you are interested in is NSCA which is the default name where the NSCAClient listens. It will in turn forward all incoming messages on to Nagios via NSCA.

So in short we need to configure three things

  • Activate real time filtering
  • Add a filter which listens for events
  • Setup a destination

Enabling real-time filtering

To setup real time filtering we only need a single flag (as well as the eventlog module).



enabled = true

Adding this will not do much since we don't have a filter yet but adding one is pretty simple as well so lets go ahead and do that.

To make life simple we set the destination in this filter to "log" which means the information only ends up in the NSClient++ log file. Not very usefull in reality but very usefull when we are debuggning as it removes possible errors sources.


maximum age=30s

Going through the configuration line by line we have:

  • log=application is the log we listen to.
  • destination=log is where the message is sent
  • filter=level='error' means we only want to recieve error messages.
  • maximum age=30s sets a repeating "ok" messages every 30 seconds.
  • debug=true will increase the debug level for this filter

If we were to test this (and please do go ahead) we would start getting warning on the console about no one listening to our events.

To be able to test this we need to inject some messages in the eventlog. This we can do with the eventcreate command.

Add error to eventlog:

eventcreate /ID 1 /L application /T ERROR /SO MYEVENTSOURCE /D "My first log"

Add info to eventlog:

eventcreate /ID 1 /L application /T INFORMATION /SO MYEVENTSOURCE /D "My first log"

If we check the log we should see something similar to this:

eventlog output

  • 1: Always makre sure there are not errors and that the parsed tree looks like you want it. If the filter has syntax issues nothign will work
  • 2: This is how it looks when we inject an error message, it is caught and we get the Notification 0: Application: 1 (error: My first log) in the log.
  • 3: This is the periodical "ok" message we get when there are not errors: Notification 0: eventlog found no records
  • 4: Here we can see the output when there is a message but it does not match our filter.

Enabling cache to check actively



A quick reference for all available queries (check commands) in the CheckEventLog module.

List of commands:

A list of all available queries (check commands)

Command Description
check_eventlog Check for errors in the event log.
checkeventlog Legacy version of check_eventlog


Check for errors in the event log.

Command-line Arguments

Option Default Value Description
filter level in ('warning', 'error', 'critical') Filter which marks interesting items.
warning level = 'warning', problem_count > 0 Filter which marks items which generates a warning state.
warn Short alias for warning
critical level in ('error', 'critical') Filter which marks items which generates a critical state.
crit Short alias for critical.
ok Filter which marks items which generates an ok state.
debug N/A Show debugging information in the log
show-all N/A Show details for all matches regardless of status (normally details are only showed for warnings and criticals).
empty-state ok Return status to use when nothing matched filter.
perf-config level(ignored:true) Performance data generation configuration
escape-html N/A Escape any < and > characters to prevent HTML encoding
help N/A Show help screen (this screen)
help-pb N/A Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
show-default N/A Show default values for a given command
help-short N/A Show help screen (short format).
unique-index Unique syntax.
top-syntax ${status}: ${count} message(s) ${problem_list} Top level syntax.
ok-syntax %(status): Event log seems fine ok syntax.
empty-syntax %(status): No entries found Empty syntax.
detail-syntax ${file} ${source} (${message}) Detail level syntax.
perf-syntax ${file}_${source} Performance alias syntax.
file File to read (can be specified multiple times to check multiple files.
log Same as file
scan-range Date range to scan.
truncate-message Maximum length of message for each event log message text.
unique 1 Shorthand for setting default unique index: ${log}-${source}-${id}.
bookmark auto Use bookmarks to only look for messages since last check (with the same bookmark name). If you set this to auto or leave it empty the bookmark name will be derived from your logs, filters, warn and crit.

Filter which marks interesting items. Interesting items are items which will be included in the check. They do not denote warning or critical state instead it defines which items are relevant and you can remove unwanted items.

Default Value: level in ('warning', 'error', 'critical')


Filter which marks items which generates a warning state. If anything matches this filter the return status will be escalated to warning.

Default Value: level = 'warning', problem_count > 0


Filter which marks items which generates a critical state. If anything matches this filter the return status will be escalated to critical.

Default Value: level in ('error', 'critical')


Filter which marks items which generates an ok state. If anything matches this any previous state for this item will be reset to ok.


Return status to use when nothing matched filter. If no filter is specified this will never happen unless the file is empty.

Default Value: ok


Performance data generation configuration TODO: obj ( key: value; key: value) obj (key:valuer;key:value)

Default Value: level(ignored:true)


Unique syntax. Used to filter unique items (counted will still increase but messages will not repeated)


Top level syntax. Used to format the message to return can include text as well as special keywords which will include information from the checks. To add a keyword to the message you can use two syntaxes either ${keyword} or %(keyword) (there is no difference between them apart from ${} can be difficult to excpae on linux).

Default Value: ${status}: ${count} message(s) ${problem_list}


ok syntax. DEPRECATED! This is the syntax for when an ok result is returned. This value will not be used if your syntax contains %(list) or %(count).

Default Value: %(status): Event log seems fine


Empty syntax. DEPRECATED! This is the syntax for when nothing matches the filter.

Default Value: %(status): No entries found


Detail level syntax. Used to format each resulting item in the message. %(list) will be replaced with all the items formated by this syntax string in the top-syntax. To add a keyword to the message you can use two syntaxes either ${keyword} or %(keyword) (there is no difference between them apart from ${} can be difficult to excpae on linux).

Default Value: ${file} ${source} (${message})


Performance alias syntax. This is the syntax for the base names of the performance data.

Default Value: ${file}_${source}


File to read (can be specified multiple times to check multiple files. Notice that specifying multiple files will create an aggregate set you will not check each file individually.In other words if one file contains an error the entire check will result in error.


Date range to scan. A negative value scans backward (historical events) and a positive value scans forwards (future events). This is the approximate dates to search through this speeds up searching a lot but there is no guarantee messages are ordered.


Shorthand for setting default unique index: ${log}-${source}-${id}.

Default Value: 1


Use bookmarks to only look for messages since last check (with the same bookmark name). If you set this to auto or leave it empty the bookmark name will be derived from your logs, filters, warn and crit.

Default Value: auto

Filter keywords

Option Description
category TODO
computer Which computer generated the message
count Number of items matching the filter. Common option for all checks.
crit_count Number of items matched the critical criteria. Common option for all checks.
crit_list A list of all items which matched the critical criteria. Common option for all checks.
customer TODO
detail_list A special list with critical, then warning and finally ok. Common option for all checks.
file The logfile name
guid The logfile name
id Eventlog id
keyword The keyword associated with this event
level Severity level (error, warning, info, success, auditSucess, auditFailure)
list A list of all items which matched the filter. Common option for all checks.
log alias for file
message The message rendered as a string.
ok_count Number of items matched the ok criteria. Common option for all checks.
ok_list A list of all items which matched the ok criteria. Common option for all checks.
problem_count Number of items matched either warning or critical criteria. Common option for all checks.
problem_list A list of all items which matched either the critical or the warning criteria. Common option for all checks.
provider Source system.
rawid Raw message id (contains many other fields all baked into a single number)
source Source system.
status The returned status (OK/WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN). Common option for all checks.
task The type of event (task)
total Total number of items. Common option for all checks.
type alias for level (old, deprecated)
warn_count Number of items matched the warning criteria. Common option for all checks.
warn_list A list of all items which matched the warning criteria. Common option for all checks.
written When the message was written to file
written_str When the message was written to file as an absolute date string
xml Get event as XML message.


Legacy version of check_eventlog

Command-line Arguments

Option Default Value Description
help N/A Show help screen (this screen)
help-pb N/A Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
show-default N/A Show default values for a given command
help-short N/A Show help screen (short format).
MaxWarn Maximum value before a warning is returned.
MaxCrit Maximum value before a critical is returned.
MinWarn Minimum value before a warning is returned.
MinCrit Minimum value before a critical is returned.
warn Maximum value before a warning is returned.
crit Maximum value before a critical is returned.
filter The filter to use.
file The file to check
debug 1 The file to check
truncate Deprecated and has no meaning
descriptions 1 Deprecated and has no meaning
unique 1
syntax %source%, %strings% The syntax string
top-syntax ${list} The top level syntax string
scan-range TODO

The file to check

Default Value: 1


Deprecated and has no meaning

Default Value: 1


Default Value: 1


The syntax string

Default Value: %source%, %strings%


The top level syntax string

Default Value: ${list}


Path / Section Description
/settings/eventlog Eventlog
/settings/eventlog/real-time Real-time eventlog monitoring
/settings/eventlog/real-time/filters Real-time eventlog filters


Section for the EventLog Checker (CheckEventLog.dll).

Key Default Value Description
buffer size 131072 Default buffer size
debug false Enable debugging
lookup names true Lookup eventlog names
syntax Default syntax
# Section for the EventLog Checker (CheckEventLog.dll).
buffer size=131072
lookup names=true

Default buffer size

The size of the buffer to use when getting messages this affects the speed and maximum size of messages you can receive.

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog
Key: buffer size
Default value: 131072
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Default buffer size
buffer size=131072

Enable debugging

Log more information when filtering (useful to detect issues with filters) not useful in production as it is a bit of a resource hog.

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog
Key: debug
Default value: false
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Enable debugging

Lookup eventlog names

Lookup the names of eventlog files

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog
Key: lookup names
Default value: true
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Lookup eventlog names
lookup names=true

Default syntax

Set this to use a specific syntax string for all commands (that don't specify one).

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog
Key: syntax
Default value: N/A
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Default syntax

Real-time eventlog monitoring

A set of options to configure the real time checks

Key Default Value Description
debug false Enable debugging
enabled false Enable realtime monitoring
log application,system Logs to check
startup age 30m Read old records at startup
# A set of options to configure the real time checks
startup age=30m

Enable debugging

Log missed records (useful to detect issues with filters) not useful in production as it is a bit of a resource hog.

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog/real-time
Key: debug
Default value: false
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Enable debugging

Enable realtime monitoring

Spawns a background thread which detects issues and reports them back instantly.

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog/real-time
Key: enabled
Default value: false
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Enable realtime monitoring

Logs to check

Comma separated list of logs to check

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog/real-time
Key: log
Default value: application,system
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Logs to check

Read old records at startup

The initial age to scan when starting NSClient++

Key Description
Path: /settings/eventlog/real-time
Key: startup age
Default value: 30m
Used by: CheckEventLog


# Read old records at startup
startup age=30m

Real-time eventlog filters

A set of filters to use in real-time mode

This is a section of objects. This means that you will create objects below this point by adding sections which all look the same.


Key Default Value Description
debug DEBUG
destination DESTINATION
detail syntax SYNTAX
empty message eventlog found no records EMPTY MESSAGE
escape html ESCAPE HTML
filter FILTER
log FILE
logs FILES
maximum age 5m MAGIMUM AGE
ok syntax SYNTAX
perf config PERF CONFIG
severity SEVERITY
silent period false Silent period
source id SOURCE ID
target id TARGET ID
top syntax SYNTAX
truncate Truncate


# An example of a Real-time eventlog filters section
#detail syntax=...
empty message=eventlog found no records
#escape html=...
maximum age=5m
#ok syntax=...
#perf config=...
silent period=false
#source id=...
#target id=...
#top syntax=...