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The NSClient++ settings store is a hierarchical tree structure with key value pairs. Traditionally this is stored in a flat ini-style file where the "paths" are defined as sections. But there are other options as well and for instance the registry is another common place to store settings. With the new configuration UI in 0.4.3 it is simpler to manipulate the settings if they are store in the registry and thus probably a better place to keep them.

Which keys are available and what they mean are describe by the modules which use the various keys. Thus it the place to find the documentation for the various configuration options are in the reference section of the documentation. Where it is split by module.


Another really useful feature of the settings in NSClient++ is the ability to include various other settings. This is very flexible and you can include ini file from the registry and vice versa.

The way to include a file (if you are using ini-files) is to add a key under the /includes section.

including file:


You can include any number of files registry or other stores. and they will be instantiated in a tree structure with a parent child relationship. Important to note here is that the first found key will be used. So parents will override children.

And example of this:

  • nsclient.ini:

key1=This values comes from nsclient.ini
  • client.ini:

key1=This values comes from client.ini
key2=This values comes from client.ini
  • baseline.ini:
key1=This values comes from baseline.ini
key2=This values comes from baseline.ini
key3=This values comes from baseline.ini

in the above example the values of /test keyx will be:

  • key1=This values comes from nsclient.ini
  • key2=This values comes from client.ini
  • key3=This values comes from baseline.ini

This can be very useful to distribute a baseline configuration for a company or monitoring product. Then all "machine specific customization" would go into the nsclient.ini config where as client.ini would be reserved for the clients global config. And finally baseline.ini would be monitoring tool specific configuration.

Settings stores

Settings are historically stored in an ini file but you can store settings in many other locations as well. While the most obvious one to use is the registry there are other options as well.

  • ini files
  • old ini files
  • registry
  • dummy
  • http (ini files over http)

Ini settings

Ini file are the simplest form of configuration and also the default though on windows registry is probably a better option. The files are text-files following the ini file format where you have sections in brackets [] and key key = values.



To use an ini file you prefix the settings url with ini:// then you can use various folder strings or specify a relative or absolute path to the file.


  • Use the relative file foo.ini nscp settings --migrate-to ini://foo.ini
  • Use the relative file foo.ini in a subfolder called conf nscp settings --migrate-to ini://conf/foo.ini
  • Use a file stored in the profile folder (on windows): C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NSClient++ nscp settings --migrate-to ini://%(common-appdata)/NSClient++/nsclient.ini

registry settings

Registry is only available on windows and using them on windows is recommended as it integrates better with windows and windows management tools where you can push configuration changes and similar things. As the registry is naturally a tree structure we use folders as section and keys and values for keys and values.

To use an ini file you prefix the settings url with ini:// then you can use various folder strings or specify a relative or absolute path to the file.


# Use the default registry location
nscp settings --migrate-to registry
# Use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/NSClient++ to store configuration
nscp settings --migrate-to registry://HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/NSClient++

http settings

Http/Https is a regular ini file (see above) except that it is loaded remotely and refreshed periodically. The refresh period is configurable and if the file has changed NSClient++ will reload and re-read the new configuration. If it is not possible to fetch the latest configuration NSClient++ will keep using the last one it received.


# Use remote configuration.
nscp settings --switch

In the nsclient.ini file you can specify a series of attachments which will be downloaded (for instance scripts).

Adding a script:

scripts/myscript.bat =

Using settings stores

NSClient++ has some feature to help work with settings stores.

All of this is performed via the settings sub command: nscp settings --help

Migrating settings from a ini file to the regstry can be done with the migrate-to command: nscp settings --migrate-to registry

This will move all data from the settings file and store it in in the registry and then setup NSClient++ to use the registry instead of the ini file.

You can also switch settings store (without migrating data): nscp settings --switch registry

The effect is similar in that NSClient++ will start using the registry but you have to add the keys to the registry manually.

To show the current settings store view can run:

$ nscp settings --show
INI settings: (ini://${shared-path}/nsclient.ini, C:\source\build\x64\dev/nsclient.ini)

Overriding settings store

The default way for NSClient++ to find your settings files is via the boot.ini file.

If you want to override this, for instance you want to use multiple NSClient++ from the same folder, you can do this via the --settings option: nscp test --settings nsclient2.ini

You can do this for the service as well by editing the service start command.


Paths can be used in various places in the settings store to locate files. To facilitate reusable paths there a number of pat variables which ca be used.

Key Value (Windows) Value (Linux) Comment
certificate-path ${shared-path}/security
module-path ${exe-path}/modules ${shared-path}/scripts
web-path ${shared-path}/web
scripts ${exe-path}/scripts ${shared-path}/scripts
cache-folder ${shared-path}/cache
crash-folder ${shared-path}/crash-dumps
log-path ${shared-path}/log
base-path Path of NSClient++ exe file This will in the future change to an actual shared path.
temp The temporary file path /tmp
shared-path Path of NSClient++ exe file This will in the future change to an actual shared path.
exe-path Path of NSClient++ exe file
common-appdata Application data for all users. N/A The file system directory that contains application data for all users
appdata The user's profile folder. N/A
etc N/A /etc Linux only

All paths can also be overridden using the /paths section in the configuration file. Please note that that is not always possible for instance overriding shared-path and reading settings from shared path will not work. Paths overrides are only available AFTER the configuration has been read.

Example of overriding a path (web root folder).
