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File for checking log files and various other forms of updating text files


A quick reference for all available queries (check commands) in the CheckLogFile module.

List of commands:

A list of all available queries (check commands)

Command Description
check_logfile Check for errors in log file or generic pattern matching in text files.

List of command aliases:

A list of all short hand aliases for queries (check commands)

Command Description
checklogfile Alias for: :query:check_logfile


Check for errors in log file or generic pattern matching in text files.

Command-line Arguments

Option Default Value Description
filter Filter which marks interesting items.
warning Filter which marks items which generates a warning state.
warn Short alias for warning
critical Filter which marks items which generates a critical state.
crit Short alias for critical.
ok Filter which marks items which generates an ok state.
debug N/A Show debugging information in the log
show-all N/A Show details for all matches regardless of status (normally details are only showed for warnings and criticals).
empty-state ignored Return status to use when nothing matched filter.
perf-config Performance data generation configuration
escape-html N/A Escape any < and > characters to prevent HTML encoding
help N/A Show help screen (this screen)
help-pb N/A Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
show-default N/A Show default values for a given command
help-short N/A Show help screen (short format).
top-syntax ${count}/${total} (${problem_list}) Top level syntax.
ok-syntax ok syntax.
empty-syntax %(status): Nothing found Empty syntax.
detail-syntax ${column1} Detail level syntax.
perf-syntax ${column1} Performance alias syntax.
line-split \n Character string used to split a file into several lines (default \n)
column-split \t Character string to split a line into several columns (default \t)
split Alias for split-column
file File to read (can be specified multiple times to check multiple files.
files A comma separated list of files to scan (same as file except a list)

Filter which marks interesting items. Interesting items are items which will be included in the check. They do not denote warning or critical state instead it defines which items are relevant and you can remove unwanted items.


Filter which marks items which generates a warning state. If anything matches this filter the return status will be escalated to warning.


Filter which marks items which generates a critical state. If anything matches this filter the return status will be escalated to critical.


Filter which marks items which generates an ok state. If anything matches this any previous state for this item will be reset to ok.


Return status to use when nothing matched filter. If no filter is specified this will never happen unless the file is empty.

Default Value: ignored


Performance data generation configuration TODO: obj ( key: value; key: value) obj (key:valuer;key:value)


Top level syntax. Used to format the message to return can include text as well as special keywords which will include information from the checks. To add a keyword to the message you can use two syntaxes either ${keyword} or %(keyword) (there is no difference between them apart from ${} can be difficult to excpae on linux).

Default Value: ${count}/${total} (${problem_list})


ok syntax. DEPRECATED! This is the syntax for when an ok result is returned. This value will not be used if your syntax contains %(list) or %(count).


Empty syntax. DEPRECATED! This is the syntax for when nothing matches the filter.

Default Value: %(status): Nothing found


Detail level syntax. Used to format each resulting item in the message. %(list) will be replaced with all the items formated by this syntax string in the top-syntax. To add a keyword to the message you can use two syntaxes either ${keyword} or %(keyword) (there is no difference between them apart from ${} can be difficult to excpae on linux).

Default Value: ${column1}


Performance alias syntax. This is the syntax for the base names of the performance data.

Default Value: ${column1}


Character string used to split a file into several lines (default \n)

Default Value: \n


Character string to split a line into several columns (default \t)

Default Value: \t


File to read (can be specified multiple times to check multiple files. Notice that specifying multiple files will create an aggregate set it will not check each file individually. In other words if one file contains an error the entire check will result in error or if you check the count it is the global count which is used.

Filter keywords

Option Description
column() Fetch the value from the given column number.
column1 The value in the first column
column2 The value in the second column
column3 The value in the third column
column4 The value in the 4:th column
column5 The value in the 5:th column
column6 The value in the 6:th column
column7 The value in the 7:th column
column8 The value in the 8:th column
column9 The value in the 9:th column
count Number of items matching the filter. Common option for all checks.
crit_count Number of items matched the critical criteria. Common option for all checks.
crit_list A list of all items which matched the critical criteria. Common option for all checks.
detail_list A special list with critical, then warning and finally ok. Common option for all checks.
file The name of the file
filename The name of the file
line Match the content of an entire line
list A list of all items which matched the filter. Common option for all checks.
ok_count Number of items matched the ok criteria. Common option for all checks.
ok_list A list of all items which matched the ok criteria. Common option for all checks.
problem_count Number of items matched either warning or critical criteria. Common option for all checks.
problem_list A list of all items which matched either the critical or the warning criteria. Common option for all checks.
status The returned status (OK/WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN). Common option for all checks.
total Total number of items. Common option for all checks.
warn_count Number of items matched the warning criteria. Common option for all checks.
warn_list A list of all items which matched the warning criteria. Common option for all checks.


Path / Section Description
/settings/logfile/real-time Real-time filtering
/settings/logfile/real-time/checks Real-time filters

Real-time filtering

A set of options to configure the real time checks

Key Default Value Description
enabled false Real time
# A set of options to configure the real time checks

Real time

Spawns a background thread which waits for file changes.

Key Description
Path: /settings/logfile/real-time
Key: enabled
Default value: false
Used by: CheckLogFile


# Real time

Real-time filters

A set of filters to use in real-time mode

This is a section of objects. This means that you will create objects below this point by adding sections which all look the same.


Key Default Value Description
column split COLUMN SPLIT
column-split COLUMN SPLIT
debug DEBUG
destination DESTINATION
detail syntax SYNTAX
empty message eventlog found no records EMPTY MESSAGE
escape html ESCAPE HTML
file FILE
files FILES
filter FILTER
maximum age 5m MAGIMUM AGE
ok syntax SYNTAX
perf config PERF CONFIG
read entire file read entire file
severity SEVERITY
silent period false Silent period
source id SOURCE ID
target id TARGET ID
top syntax SYNTAX


# An example of a Real-time filters section
#column split=...
#detail syntax=...
empty message=eventlog found no records
#escape html=...
maximum age=5m
#ok syntax=...
#perf config=...
#read entire file=...
silent period=false
#source id=...
#target id=...
#top syntax=...